Saturday, March 12, 2011

Post Burnout: Jose Sandoval

Wow, that was one for the books. The compu trainer program wasn't working for the first 2 hours, but we had beer, loud music, friends, and prizes so we decided to do some feats of strength for the prizes. Push up contest, leg wrestling, a foot race around the block, sit up contest, a beer drinking contest...... and then after all of that the program just started to work. By that time people were already party lubed by all the beer so it was on. It was wild to say the least.

Rory won the leg wrestling match.

Amy beat Phomma in the sit up contest.

Good ol' fashion foot race.

Phomma entered every single contest. He is under age so during the beer drinking contest he chugged a pint of Redbull and then once the program started he was the first to race.... the race was uphill... simulated of course. Little guy just pushed himself to the limit. I guess a couple people puked after racing. It was pretty intense. Blam.

I love Sean.

Stacy winning.

J Pow... killing it.

Russell and crew trying to figure out the program.

Kyle, doing what he does best... being funny.

See the rest of Jose Sandoval's Binary Bunrout pictures here
. They are AMAZING.

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